
Proper pH Balance Is Critical to Health

pH Balance And Your Body


The pH Balance Of The Human Body

Normally, the pH value of the body (blood, the cellular tissues of different organs, and extracellular fluids) is 7.4. The value stays within a very small range, i.e. 7.35 -7.46. In other words, blood is slightly alkaline. The human body is highly sensitive to its pH balance. For example, enzymes perform optimally under normal pH balance. Medical studies have shown that the human body functions at its best when the pH value is maintained at 7.35. If the body is slightly acidic, body cells would be less energetic, and gastro-intestinal digestive functions would be affected.

Six Main Causes For Acidity In The Body

1. A diet with excess meat and inadequate vegetables

All meats are acidic and most fruits and vegetables are alkaline. A famous American nutritionist points out that if we want to maintain a healthy body, 20% of acidic food intake must be balanced with 80% of alkaline food. When the food you eat every day is mainly acidic, your body will become too acidic over time, and various health conditions will follow.

Generally, for every portion of meat you consume, you should eat at least four portions of fruits and vegetables to balance the acidity. Processed food of all kinds, radiation, pollution, stress, negative emotions, etc., all make the body acidic. The above bad habits are the causes of the slightly acidic bodies of most city dwellers.

2. Skipping breakfast

Not everyone is a breakfast fan, but skipping breakfast is in fact a very unhealthy habit. Breakfast is the most important meal of a day. Therefore, it is fine to have a big breakfast. Choose high energy food that can give you the fuel to burn for 4-5 hours to satisfy your whole day’s consumption. This can help you fortify the body’s metabolism and the health of the pH balance system.

3. Eating supper

Any meal taken after 8:00 p.m. can be called supper. Eating supper does not only make us tired the next day, but also increases the burden of the liver. Human organs become less active during sleep and digestion also slows down significantly. Food staying in the intestines turns acidic, ferments and creates toxins that are harmful to the body.

4. Burning the midnight oil

The body enters its optimal recovery time during 11:00 pm to 02:00 am. If the body misses this best time to enter sleep and rest, its metabolic and endocrine functions would be altered. Metabolism driven by the burning of endocrine generates lots of toxins and the body turns acidic as a result. Very often, people who stay up late in the night are more likely to be diagnosed of chronic diseases than smokers or alcohol users. Therefore, try to sleep before 11:00 pm and avoid late nights! When you do have to stay up late, do not eat meat. Eat carbohydrates as far as possible. This will make you less tired the following day and reduce the harm to your body.

5. Lack of exercise

Exercising under sunlight promotes sweating, which in turn helps flush out excessive acidic substances from the body. With the ever-increasing pace of modern life and advances in transportation, office workers who mostly stay in their cubicles do not have much exercise. As a result, acidic toxins are kept inside the body for prolonged period, and the body turns acidic.

6. Negative emotions

Negative emotions such as stress and nervous tension can make the body acidic. A scientific institute conducted this experiment. Two mice were each placed in a cage. One of them was blind folded and disturbed with a small stick. One month later, the body of the blindfolded mouse turned acidic. Two months later, cancer cells were found on the same mouse. The mouse in the other cage remained fine.

Signs of an acidic body:

  1. Indigestion and bloated stomach
  2. Feeling tired easily, unmotivated and susceptible to illnesses
  3. Undesirable skin complexion and acnes
  4. Bad breath and body odour
  5. Heavy workload and stressful life
  6. Eating at irregular times and frequent consumption of processed or fast food
  7. Fond of fast food, meat and snacks
  8. Prolonged exposure to a polluted environment, e.g. air and water pollution

If you check more than half of the above boxes, your body tends to be acidic.